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The Donnarama Dishes Blog

Updated: Sep 18

When it's peach season and a friend shows up with a crate FULL of amazing Georgia peaches, it's all hands on deck to figure out how best to enjoy them all. Sure, some were shared with fellow peach lovers, but most were used in salads (they're awesome with burrata!), grilled, eaten as snacks/ for and with breakfast, but there NEEDED to be at least one baked treat, too. And so I present to you my recipe for a double peach crumb coffee cake.

Why "double," you ask? Well, look at the picture and you will see that I gilded the lily and added a second layer of both peaches and crumb! Because, don't we all really love the crumb on a coffee cake, and don't we want the cake to be super-moist? The fruit ensures the moistness and the extra layer of crumb simply ensures happiness.

While I have not yet tried it, I am fairly confident this recipe would work well with pretty much any fruit you have on-hand. And, actually, I bet it would be pretty delicious even without the fruit.

This recipe can be made in a 10" cast iron skillet and served directly from it, or in a standard 10" cake pan. Either way, it makes a pretty big cake to serve a pretty big crowd.

Enjoy this cake with (as?) breakfast, as a snack, or as dessert (best with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream) and you will thank me. Here is the recipe, which I hope you'll try and enjoy:

Happy fruit season and happy baking!!!

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