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Homemade Applesauce: Simple, Healthy, and Delicious. No, REALLY!

Homemade Applesauce
Homemade Applesauce

Sure, I get that delicious and healthy and/or simple don't necessarily go together all that often. But, applesauce checks all the boxes, appeals to people of all ages, and is great any time of day -- breakfast, snack, dessert. AND (*mind blown*) this recipe freezes beautifully! Who knew?

So how simple is this, really? Well, it only has 2 ingredients (and sugar isn't one of them) and there is no measuring. The only caveat is that this particular recipe takes a good amount of time -- so start it the night before or in the morning, and then you'll be golden (or should I say beautifully red-tinged)!

Now, while I think this may be the simplest thing I know how to make, I want to tell you from personal experience that it won't make itself. Do NOT forget that it is on the stove while making it (like I did until something wonderfully sweet smelling wafted all the way to the other side of the house). You do not want to scald the apples -- just simmer and steam. Got it? (Good). Actually, it's a pretty good rule of thumb in general not to forget you have something cooking on the stove -- for a lot of reasons.

It's apple season, so go pick some apples (the redder the better if you want a red-tinged applesauce) -- Rita Brodsky Cohen (as transmitted to Ellen Cohen) only used Cortlands and this is her recipe, but I'm guessing others will work well, too. And, if you aren't planning to eat it all right away, freeze it for future applesauce emergencies. And, just think of the pantry space you'll gain not storing jars of the store-bought stuff!

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