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Smoked Trout Spread




Dip? Spread? Appetizer? Part of a brunch spread? This recipe is perfect for so many occasions!


  • 1 Tbs prepared horeseradish

  • 2/3 Cup creme fraiche (sour cream works as a substitute here)

  • 8 oz. smoked trout fillets (skin removed), crumbled

  • 4 Tbs chopped fresh chives, divided in 2 (do not substitute dried or any other onion-y product (like scallions or shallots)

  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Mix the horseradish & creme fraiche in a small bowl.

  2. Put the crumbled smoked trout and half the chives in another bowl. Add as much of the horseradish/ creme fraiche sauce as it takes to get to the consistency you like. I like to use about 2/3 of it and keep the rest as a delicious sauce with/ on/ in a myriad of things (steak sandwiches, baked potatoes, added to eggs for an omelet -- it is VERY versatile!).

  3. Let stand at least a half-hour for the flavors to marry (in fridge for serving later or on counter if using soonish). Use the remainder of the chives to sprinkle on top when serving.

TO MAKE AHEAD: This keeps in the fridge for several days. Just remember to bring it to room temperature so that it isn't so thick/ stiff.

HOW TO SERVE: As finger good, spread some of this on toasted bread (crostini) and sprinkle chives on top of each piece. As an appetizer, just put the spread in a nice bowl and serve with a spreader and crackers or pita chips or toast points or whatever with other appetizers. As part of a brunch spread, just place it in a bowl with a spreader and let guests schmear it on bagels as they would white fish salad.

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